gallese’s experiment | 3h52m, 5-channel video, 2016 | in collaboration with Faraz Anashapour and Laurie Robins

gallese’s experiment is a multi-channel documentary shot over the course of a four-day workshop in Fondazione Prada, Venice. It follows the participants, workers, and wider infrastructure, involved in an experiment between the institution Fondazione Prada, the resident film school Belligerent Eyes, a group of actors, and the Neuroscientist Vittorio Gallese.

Presented in unedited form, the footage plays out over three hours and fifty-two minutes to reveal a constantly evolving set of interactions; from the neuroscientists conducting their research, to the cleaners, security staff and receptionists, as well as from actors hired by the film school, to the tourists of Venice who came through Fondazione Prada’s Palazzo at Ca’Corner Della Regina and participated in the experiment.

The experiment was organised and ran by Vittorio Gallese in collaboration with Belligerent Eyes, a project designed by Luigi Alberto Cippini and developed in collaboration with film director Giovanni Fantoni Modena.

Director: Faraz Anashapour, henry bradley, and Laurie Robins
Coordinator of the Experiment: Vittorio Gallese, Professor of Physiology, Dept. Of Neuroscience, University of Parma, Italy
Neuroscientific Team: Martina Ardizzi PhD, Marta Calbi PhD Student, Dept. Of Neuroscience, University of Parma, Italy, Maria Alessandra Umiltà, Professor of Physiology, Dept. of Pharmacy, University of Parma, Italy
Thermal Imaging and processing: Stephanos Ioannou, Dept. of Physiological Sciences Al Faisal University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Actors: Stacy Martin, India De Almeida, Jessamine Bliss Bell, Silvia Costa, Laura Dondoli, Iante Roach, Cesar Domboy, James Northcote, Marco Tonino, Andrea Maffei, Rajeev Badhan, Salvatore Licausi
Texts: Pietro Caracciolo, India De Almeida and Luigi Alberto Cippini adapded from Le 20 Novembre by Lars Norén and the online journal of Sebastian Bosse (
Director: Giovanni Fantoni Modena
Director of Photography: Matte Chi
Head of Technology infrastructure: Amilcare Canali
Executive Producers: Lola Toscani and Max Brun
Producer: Anna Barberini, Vittoria Dami, and Marlene Fantoni
Costumes: Prada
Booklet Design: Federico Scudeler with Pietro Caracciolo
FLIR Technology Advisors: Roberto Rinaldi and Giovanni Scaglia

Supported by: Belligerent Eyes, Prada Venice Palazzo, Italy