inheritance | 22m, 2-channel video, 2023 - in-progress | in collaboration with Maia Chao

inheritance is a two-channel video installation currently in-development.

The project follows young people in Boston as they debate real-world issues that already affect them, or will in the future. These range from climate change, to race reparations, and the housing crisis.

Through observational film, the installation traverses through eight different Boston State schools. It simultaneously investigates contemporary issues as young people contend with understanding them, as well as the institutional structures of debate designed to discuss and help solve them.

Director: henry bradley and Maia Chao

Cinematography, sound and editing: henry bradley and Maia Chao  
Debaters: Boston Debate League

Special Thanks: Fine Arts Work Center staff and fellows. 

Install shots: Hudson D. Walker Gallery, Fine Arts Work Center, MA, USA


Supported by: Fine Arts Work Center, USA.